Sweet Tamaring

Common name : Tamarind

Thai name : Ma-kham Wan

Scientific name : Tamarindus indica L.

Pod Prakai Thong

Shape : big and slightly curved pod

Weight : 70-80 g

Colour : brown and dusty shell, thick and soft with light brown flesh

Taste : sweet 

Sri Chomphu    

Pod Shape : straight pod

Weight : 70-80 g

Colour : light brown shell, reddish brown soft flesh, seeds can be removed easily

Taste : sweet with a touch of sour flavor

Si Thong  

Pod Shape : big and curved pod

Weight : 70-80 g

Colour : brown shell, soft and reddish brown flesh

Taste : sweet 

Preparation and eating

  1. Pick up a sweet tamarind pod.

  2. Crack the pod and remove the shell.

  3. Remove lateral vein fiber from the flesh.

  4. Arrange all sweet tamarind flesh on a tray.


Eaten flesh.


High in calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamins B1, B2 and C.


(in plastic bags at the ambient condition)

dry ripe pods : 4 months. dry ripe pulp : 3 months.


Availability : Late December- February

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